Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Tuesday Tunes

Sorry folks.  Been busy, and haven't had time to update.  Struggling right now just to get this one out before I fall asleep.  Today is a combined "music and what got me excited" section.  Our jam today is "Tighten Up" by The Black Keys.  Solid jam that should help you get through Tuesday, the retarded step brother of Monday, cause it sucks just as much as Monday.  Fuck you Tuesday.

Now, 'What Got Me Excited Today' would be that the Pacers are fucking back.  We beat the Lakers Sunday night, the Cavs last Tuesday, and the big bad Miami Heat last Monday.  The Pacers are no longer the thugs of the league.  No more strip joint shoot ups, or mexican stand offs at the Palace.  Just true hard ball.  I can't even name you one white guy on the team, which has been the problem recently.  Larry Bird is trying to find the next 'him' and drafting all these shitty white dudes.  Finally we got some talent thats starting to develope.  Finally we're seeing some heart out of kids like Roy Hibbert.  I never gave up on the Pacers, but I think its time I bust out my childs large size 44 Rik Smits jersey.  If anyone wants to take me to a game I will wear it.  Proud.  So here's a little tribute to the glory days.  The days of the 3 point assassin.  Reggie...Reggie....Reggie....

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