Thursday, February 10, 2011

Woman Driver or Elderly Driver?

If you guessed an old guy, you're right. This one would have been way better had it been a woman driver, but we can still go with it. I don't care how confusing an intersection is. This is still one of those anomalies that I still don't understand. How the fuck do people go the wrong way on a highway? I've driven in Texas. I get it. They have a bunch of dickhead on/off ramps. I've driven in California where this guy did this. They have pretty standard highways. One goes this way, one goes that way. Its not that hard. Maybe turning down a one way in the city is slightly acceptable, but still you're an idiot for not noticing. What I don't get either is why don't you immediately stop once you realize you're going the wrong fucking way. Like, 'no, I'll fuckin' speed down the shoulder and hope to get to another exit before something happens..." Fuckin' old people. I think at a certain age driving privelages should be revoke. Over 80? Tough shit. No license. And if you're family hasn't put you in a home yet by the age of 80, well then you just have a bunch of dickheads for family members.

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